Stephen Covey once said that “strength lies in differences, not in similarities”. This has become the mantra of diversity-seeking managers throughout all industries in the UK. Yet, diversity in construction remains too low.
A report from Forbes found that the construction, utilities, and mining sectors scored the lowest for diversity across countries. The UK is no exception. Ethnic minorities make up just 3% of the workforce. The statistics for gender diversity are equally concerning.
The construction industry is considered the worst sector for female employees, who make up 12.6% of the workforce. This lack of diversity starts early according to an analysis of Skills Funding Agency data. Out of 1,000 intermediate level construction apprenticeships in London in 2014/15, 30 (3%) went to women. There was not a single woman from an ethnic minority background to take a higher-level apprenticeship. In London, men took approximately 96% of all construction sector apprenticeships.
The percentage of women working in construction doesn’t fluctuate much, staying around 11 to 12%. If you exclude the women in administrative roles, the figure drops to 4%.
Construction companies are focussing on increasing their diversity now more than ever. In a profit-driven industry, the issue of inclusion in construction only tends to come to the top of the agenda in large companies if it has positive impacts on profit. Fortunately, it does. A diverse workforce is a more profitable and effective one as it improves teams in multiple ways.
If the construction industry can diversify, these are the benefits that will follow. It creates room for growth, innovation, and profits throughout the industry, which is what we need. It is all part of looking for new ways to construct our built environments.
These are just some of the reasons why diversity in the workplace is essential. At Inscape, we focus on finding ways for construction teams to become more profitable and efficient. That’s why we stick by you through every stage of the construction process, providing excellent, bespoke manufacturing services, so when you need something, it is there. Get in touch today on 0845 230 8565 for more information.