With the government’s pledge to deliver one million affordable homes by the end of 2020, the role of a quantity surveyor needs to be more efficient than ever. And, what does every industry do when they are in need of higher outputs and more productive workers? They turn to technology. This is nothing new. Technology has been a considerable part of quantity surveying for so long now. But, what is the future of quantity surveying going to look like as more and more technology is needed to help the construction industry meet demand?
BIM, short for Building Information Modelling, is going to be more popular than ever. Many quantity surveyors were apprehensive at first about the way BIM would impact their careers. But BIM should be seen as an opportunity, not a threat to your livelihood.
The nervousness is understandable. If BIM can provide cost estimates, responding immediately to changes, then why would clients need quantity surveyors to fill that role? But, the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors isn’t worried. There may be changes to the way quantity surveyors work but, BIM will open more avenues for quantity surveyors to use their knowledge to their best ability.
Any effective use of BIM requires a high level of understanding, accurate analysis and interrogation so that users can extrapolate correct costing data. Quantity surveyors may take on advisory roles during this process, and it will require more work for you to do at the start of a project. There’s the data collection, analysis, and presentation, all of which need to be easily understandable to clients so they can make better decisions. Quantity surveyors are currently becoming the go-to people who know their way around BIM better than anyone else.
It’s not just quantity surveyors that are going to benefit from a more flexible work life as a result of technology. With 75% of British workers favouring flexible working, many companies can now deliver thanks to the creation of cloud computing and access to the internet from almost anywhere in the country. For quantity surveyors, this means less time in the office and more time on site, where you can update cost plans remotely, and create BOQs on site. This will make many aspects of your job faster and more efficient. It will also lead to more accurate final models and a more relaxed working experience for you.
New technology and human innovation is the key to effective sustainable development. Its importance is showing now, more than ever. Yet, more sustainable constructions were estimated to be approximately 60% more expensive than traditional models in the past. Now, with new, and ever-improving technology, like smart appliances, more efficient renewable energy sources, and 3-D printing, and drones, it is cheaper than ever to build sustainably. And as the technology improves and becomes more established, the price of building green is likely to continue to reduce. This gives quantity surveyors with a passion for the environment, more options to choose from.
The role of technology in the future of any industry is pivotal to its success. For construction, it means being able to assess your options and choices in much more depth so you can make better decisions. This will be invaluable to your clients.
When it comes to making the right decisions for your project and clients, it may be time to rethink your team. The most efficient team isn’t always about the most popular, it’s about who is best to get the job done to the highest standard and on time. That’s us at Inscape. We will stick with you from start to finish providing our expert manufacturing and consultation services so you can trust we will get the job done. Get in touch with us today on 0845 230 8565.