People often have a one-track mind when it comes to quantity surveying. They think you work on construction sites, making the project the most efficient and cost-effective for clients. True, but this doesn’t even begin to scratch the surface of how arduous this task is. Nor does it refer to many of the other ways quantity surveyors work to increase their profits or those of their organisation. Despite this, there are many avenues to go down that will enhance your profitability. Most of them are very straightforward.
With each new project, who is really the one that gives the green light? The banks. They routinely finance construction projects. Without their loans, most buildings wouldn’t get built. But banks don’t like taking risks with their money. They often require the input of outside parties who will give an expert opinion on whether a project will be worth their time. These advisors could be you. Quantity surveyors have the knowledge banks need to help them make sensible, profitable decisions. And, you can increase your profitability by helping them.
The cost of your services can be built into the loan costs with the banks. You could provide routine reports to the bank and construction companies. If you do this and provide outstanding service, your profits from each project will be much bigger.
The key to becoming a more profitable quantity surveyor is using your in-depth technical knowledge to expand your business specialities. Becoming a routine contributor to local trade publications which focus on the construction industry is a relatively straightforward way to start making more money. Write informative articles on hot topics in construction, monitoring services, or control techniques for example. This will help you make more while keeping your technical knowledge current. Then, you’ll be even more valuable as a quantity surveyor. You could consider offering your articles for free in exchange for company advertisement within the magazine or online. The clients will be rolling in.
Conducting training sessions for construction management employees is another great way to diversify and become more profitable. Your extensive skills and education have taken years to build up and become refined. This is valuable. Many construction companies would love to possess the skills you have to offer. They will be more than willing to pay you to share them with their staff. One-day or two-day classes providing in-depth quantity surveying knowledge could earn you a lot of extra profits. You could even offer more specific courses that teach advanced technical skills such as the ins and outs of BIM or GIS software. Construction companies may also hire you for future projects after they have witnessed your expertise in your field.
At Inscape, we believe that all companies involved in construction should get an equal opportunity to make progress in their industry. That’s why when you hire us as your bespoke manufacturers and advisors we do our best to make sure we provide outstanding service. We stick by you at every stage of construction so that you can be your best. For more information, get in touch with Inscape on 0845 230 8565 , or visit our website at