Full height cubicles have a minimal floor to ceiling clearance. This minimal clearance can benefit schools as they help to reduce any potential of bullying in school toilets. The small clearance means it is made near impossible for mobile phones to fit through the gap to reduce to chance of photos being taken of people in the cubicles. Toilets become easier to supervise due to the increased privacy of full height cubicles meaning any member of staff can supervise and as a result this can also assist to reduce fighting in school toilets. The full height cubicles instantly make the school toilets a safer and more secure place to be.
Full height cubicles also allow a better utilisation of space. Rather than having gender specific toilets they allow bathrooms to become unisex as the increased privacy means it no longer matters if it is a male or female using the toilets, because each individual user has their own private space.
Many studies have taken place over the years to see the impact that bullying has on school grades. These studies have taken place globally and with a variety of age groups. A BBC Newsbeat article states that a study showed that 56% of students felt like bullying was having an impact on their education and the research indicates that these students are more likely to achieve a grade D or below at GCSE level.
Studies show that victims of bullying are more likely to report loneliness and unhappiness at school as well as having fewer close friends. Other studies have also highlighted that those who are bullied are more likely to develop psychosocial or psychosomatic when compared to children which have not been bullied. This can mean that victims of bullying have a difficult time dealing with anxiety, depression and loneliness, all of which can have a negative impact on academic performance.
We offer a full height cubicle range called Zenith which is featured in the ITV article linked throughout this news feature. With minimal floor and ceiling clearance, featuring floor to ceiling doors and pilasters complemented by polished stainless steel furniture, Zeniths clean and elegant lines add value to any hard working building.
If you’re experiencing any problems mentioned in this article please reach out and talk to someone, whether that be a teacher at school or the Samaritans.