As a member of the construction industry we, at Inscape Interiors, feel that it is important that we should have a positive impact on our environment and support our local community organisations that help us to achieve this goal. We believe that awareness, education and involvement will be the keys to the success of our environmental future and that working with the Lancashire Wildlife Trust will help us to better inform our staff, customers and suppliers in order to safeguard a more environmentally friendly future.
Over the years, we have implemented a number of projects to improve our environmental performance.
We were one of the first companies in the UK to install the Dust Control Systems EcoGate system back in 2010.It was installed, with the support of the Carbon Trust, to reduce the carbon footprint of our company. This was important because, at that time, conventional dust extraction systems were ‘always on’ meaning they ran at 100% for the whole of the working shift. The EgoGate system used new computer/sensor/motor technology to ‘sense’ the amount of dust requiring extraction at each machine point and it then dynamically adjusted the overall extraction motor load required in real time. This meant we achieved electrical energy savings of around 40%, a significant improvement over the original extraction system.
The biomass boiler we installed is a Talbott MWE 199kW Biomass boiler ( ). The boiler uses wood waste biomass generated from our production process to fully heat the factory and offices.
The benefits of our biomass boiler are that over 250 metric tonnes of waste have been saved from landfill since installation (this equates to over 80 builders skips!), and no other form of gas or oil-based heating has been used since the installation.
Other environmental initiatives include:
For more information on how Inscape Interiors are helping the environment feel free to contact us on 0845 230 8560